Selection of Talks
- Recent Explorations between Landscape and Swampland - Talk at PRISMA Colloquium in Mainz, 2024
- End-of-the-World Branes and Inflationary Predictions for Rocky and Swampy Landscapes - Talk at the IFT workshop on Accelerated Expansion, de Sitter, & Strings: From the Landscape to the Swampland, Madrid 2024
- Loop Blow-up Inflation - Talk at String Pheno 2024, Padua
- Kinetic Mixing between Visible and Hidden U(1)s from String Theory - Online Colloquium of the COST Action CA21106 "Cosmic WISPers in the Dark Universe", 2024
- Cobordism, Bubbles of Anything and the Boundary Proposal - Talk at "Strings and Geometry 2024", Hamburg
- Loop Blow-up Inflation - Online Talk at AnLy Strings & Fields ("Theoretical physics activities in Annecy and Lyon"), Annecy 2024
- Cobordism, Bubbles of Anything and the Measure Problem - Talk at the Harvard Swampland Seminar Series, Harvard University 2024
- Geometrical Challenges for the String Landscape - Talk at Workshop "Hodge theory, Mirror Symmetry, and Physics of Calabi-Yau Moduli", Heidelberg 2023
- From String Landscape and Swampland to Cobordism and Wormholes - Talk at Quantum Gravity 2023, Nijmegen, Netherlands
- Challenges of Stringy de Sitter and Asymptotic Acceleration - Talk at String Pheno 2023, Daejeon, Korea
- Slaying the Hydra of Dark Radiation - Talk at the workshop "PADUA: Axions", 2022.
- From Wormholes and Baby Universes to Inflation and the Measure Problem - Talk at online workshop "Physics of the Early Universe", 2022.
- Challenges and phenomenological opportunities for the LVS - Talk at String Pheno 2022, Liverpool
- A Local Wheeler-DeWitt Measure for the String Landscape - Seminar Talks at Cambridge and Northeastern University, 2022
- The singular-bulk problem of KKLT - Talk at String Pheno 2021 (Online Conference)
- Completing the D7-brane local gaugino action - Talk at the Workshop "Challenges in string and supersymmetric cosmology", Leuven 2021
- Towards a Swampland Global Symmetry Conjecture - Talk at the Online Workshop on Quantum Gravity, Holography and Quantum Information, Munich 2021
- Weak Gravity and Swampland Conjectures - Review talk at the "Bethe Forum Workshop on Inflation", 2021
- De Sitter from String Theory: Control Issues of KKLT - Seminar talk in Vienna, 2020
- Landscape, Swampland and de Sitter - Talks at Pisa University and at Albert-Einstein-Institute, Golm, 2020
- Euclidean Wormholes, Baby Universes, and their Impact on Particle Physics and Cosmology - Talk in "Newton 1665" Seminar series 2020 (also in Nottingham and at Ben Gurion University)
- The Flatness of Axionic Potentials and KKLT in 10d - String Phenomenology Conference 2019 Talk at CERN
- Ultra-Light Axions, Weak Gravity, and Euclidean Wormholes - Talk at the Benasque Workshop on "Light scalars: origin, cosmology, astrophysics and experimental probes" 2019
- Gaugino condensation and KKLT from a 10d perspective - Talk at the Workshop "Navigating the Swampland", Madrid 2019
- The Higgs and other Thorns in the Side of the Swampland - Talk at the Workshop "Vistas over the Swampland", Madrid 2018
- De Sitter Swampland Conjectures and KKLT - Talk at the Workshop "Primordial black holes, de Sitter space and quantum tests of gravity", DESY/Hamburg 2019
- `Stringtheorie - Teilchenphysik - Multiversum' - Popular talk at the `Heidelberger Kreis' (in German), Heidelberg 2019
- From the Weak Gravity Conjecture to Wormholes and Baby Universes - Review talk at Bethe Forum on String Theory Challenges in Particle Physics and Cosmology, Bonn 2018 and at the Simons Summer Worskhop, New York 2018 (Video)
- On the Weak Gravity Conjecture and some of its Implications - Review talk at Conference on Cosmology, Gravity and Physics Beyond the Standard Model, Paris 2018
- Axionic Field Ranges, Weak Gravity, and Euclidean Wormholes - Talk at Solvay/APC/PI workshop on Cosmological Frontiers in Fundamental Physics, Brussels 2018
- A String Landscape Perspective on Naturalness - Review Talk at "Naturalness Workshop", Aachen 2018
- New Ideas on Inflation - Review Talk at DESY Theory Workshop 2017 and "The Dark Universe Conference", Munich 2017
- Dynamical Phase Decomposition and where to find it - Workshop on "Post-Inflationary String Cosmology", Bologna 2017
- Gravitational Waves and the Origin of the Universe - Public Talk (Akademievorlesung) in Hamburg and (in a slightly different version) at the Public Observatory Darmstadt in 2017
(alternatively: PDF and Keynote versions)
- Extended Moduli Spaces and a corresponding Moduli Space Size Conjecture - String Phenomenology Conference 2017 at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg
- The Weak Gravity Conjecture through the Eyes of Cosmic Strings and Axionic Black Holes - MCTP Symposium "Foundations of String Cosmology", Ann Arbor, 2017
- The Weak Gravity Conjecture and the Axionic Black Hole Paradox - Workshop on "New Ideas in String Phenomenology", DESY, 2017
- Large Field Inflation, the Weak Gravity Conjecture and Gravitational Instantons - Dutch Cosmology Meeting, Amsterdam, 2016 and Theory Colloquium Talks at DESY, Hamburg and at Imperial College, London, 2017
- High-Scale SUSY and the Higgs from a Stringy Perspective - Helsinki Higgs Forum 2016
- Axions, Monodromy and the Geometric Weak Gravity Conjecture - String Phenomenology Conference 2016 in Ioannina
- The Geometric Weak Gravity Conjecture - Workshop on "The Weak Gravity Conjecture and Cosmology", Madrid, 2016
- Recent Progress in String Cosmology - Introductory Lecture at XXVIII Workshop "Beyond the Standard Model", Bad Honnef, 2016
- Does Quantum Gravity constrain Large-Field Inflation? - "Scalars 2015" in Warsaw
- Predictions from F-Theory GUTs - International Workshop for the Next Generation Nucleon Decay and Neutrino Detector (NNN15) and Unification Day 2 (UD2), Stony Brook, New York, 2015
- Evading the Weak Gravity Conjecture with New Models of Winding Inflation? - String Phenomenology Conference 2015 in Madrid
- Quantum Gravity Constraints on Large-Field Inflation? - Symposium in honour of the 65th birthday of Wilfried Buchmuller, DESY, 2015
- Large-Field Inflation and String Theory - Conference "Mass 2015" at CP3-Origins in Odense, Denmark
- Tuning and Backreaction in F-term Axion Monodromy Inflation - Worshops "Physics and Geometry of F-theory", MPI, Munich, 2015 and "The Particle Physics and Cosmology of Supersymmetry and String Theory", DESY, 2015
- Recent Progress in String-Theoretic Models of Cosmological Inflation - Physics Colloquium, Max-Planck Institute for Physics, Munich, 2014
- The String Theory Landscape and Cosmological Inflation - Physics Colloquium at Heidelberg University and Bonn University ("Bethe Colloquium") 2014 and Frankfurt University 2015
- Large-Field Inflation in String Theory - 20th International Symposium on Particles, Strings and Cosmology (PASCOS 2014) in Warsaw
- D7-brane Chaotic Inflation and F-theory GUTs with High-Scale SUSY - String Phenomenology Conference 2014 in Trieste
- Some recent issues in string phenomenology - Review talk at Workshop "Frontiers in String Phenomenology", Ringberg Castle, Tegernsee, 2014
- Dark radiation in the non-sequestered Large Volume scenario - XXVI Workshop "Beyond the Standard Model", Bad Honnef, 2014
- Shift and {$Z_2$} symmetries in the Higgs sector - Workshop "Why {$m_H=126$} GeV?", Madrid, 2013
- Beyond the Standard Model from a Stringy Perspective - Lectures at Autumn Block Course 2013 of Graduate School "Mass, Spectra Symmetry", Zeuthen, 2013
- The Higgs mass from a String-Theoretic Perspective - String Phenomenology Conference 2013 in Hamburg
- The Higgs Mass in High-Scale (Remote) SUSY / String Theory - GGI Workshop "Beyond the Standard Model after the first run of the LHC", Florence, 2013
- Relating the Measured Higgs Mass to High-Scale Physics - Workshop "Strings to LHC", Puri, India, 2012
- Fluxbrane inflation (moduli stabilization, D7-brane Kahler potential) - Ahrenshoop Symposium on the Theory of Elementary Particles, Berlin, 2012
- Brane Moduli in Higgs Physics and Cosmology - 4th Bethe Center Workshop, Bonn, 2012
- Shift symmetries for the Higgs and the inflaton - Lecture at Corfu Summer School and Workshop on the Standard Model and Beyond, 2012
- A Shift Symmetry for the Higgs and the Inflaton - “String Phenomenology TH Institute”, CERN, 2012
- Fluxbrane Inflation and the 125-GeV-Higgs - Talk within Program “Mathematics and Applications of Branes in String and M-theory” at the Newton Institute in Cambridge, 2012
- String Phenomenology - Lectures at Autumn School on Particle Physics and Cosmology, Hamburg 2011
- Infrared-Safe Correlation Functions from Inflation - "Scalars 2011" in Warsaw
- Fluxbrane Inflation - DESY Theory Seminar 2010
- Inflationary correlation functions without IR divergences - Workshop on "IR issues and loops in de Sitter space" 2010 at Perimeter Institute
- Matching Type IIB Moduli and M-theory Cycles - String Phenomenology Conference 2010 in Paris
- Precision Unification from Extra Yukawas - Planck 2010 at CERN
- Issues in F-theory geometry (An Explicit Matching of Type IIB Moduli and F-Theory Cycles) - Workshop on GUTs and Strings at the MPI in Munich and seminar talk at "Rencontres theoriciennes", Paris, 2010
- Grand Unification in the Landscape - Physics Colloquia in Freiburg and at the MPI in Munich, 2010
- A Realistic Gauge Coupling from the Micro-Landscape of Orbifold GUTs - Planck 2009 in Padua
- Phenomenology of Supersymmetric Gauge-Higgs Unification - Workshop on SUSY Breaking, Durham, 2009
- Fixing D7-Brane Positions by F-Theory Fluxes - Ahrenshoop Symposium: Developments in String/M-Theory and Field Theory, Berlin, 2008
- Issues in Type IIB Cosmology and Phenomenology - 32nd Johns-Hopkins-Workshop, Seoul 2008
- Sequestered Dark Matter - Quarks 2008, Moscow
- Throats, Compactifications and Dark Matter - Reunion GDR SUSY, Strasbourg 2008
- D7-Brane Motion from M-Theory and Obstructions - Workshop on String Phenomenology and Dynamical Vacuum Selection, Liverpool 2008
- Fine-Tuning in Particle Physics and Cosmology - Physics Colloquium at the University of Mainz, 2008
- Energy Transfer in a Multi-Throat World - at Meeting in honour of Mariano Quiros' 60th birthday, Barcelona 2007
- Large Hierarchies in String Compactifications - Review talk at various colloquia and seminars 2006/2007
- The Ubiquitous Throat - String Phenomenology Conference 2006 in Santa Barbara
- The Randall-Sundrum Model in String Theory and SUSY Breaking by Throat Fields - Planck 2006 in Paris
- Throats and Randall-Sundrum Cosmology - Dark Energy Workshop 2005 in Munich
- Gauge Unification on Highly Anisotropic orbifolds - String Phenomenology Conference 2005 in Munich
- Gauge Unification in Anisotropic String Compactifications - Sendai Workshop 2005
- SUSY GUTs and Extra Dimensions - Zuoz Summer School 2004
- Fundamentals of Orbifold GUTs - DESY Theory Workshop 2003